Kendall Cruise

To The Weeds that Might be in…My Garden

I have not felt your fertilizer flesh

in months. It contrasts against the coldness
of the world when I open my window.

I know the sun sheds and the rain seeps in

to your veins and I will no longer have

to miss you. They think that you are trouble,

sucking life out of my once prized lilies.

Your roots are planted in my garden, and

moments of weakness have caused me to pull.

The lilies still come up every year, they

do still thrive in their own way. I now know

what the real prize is: to nurture. To nurture you

like you will one day be prized as lilies.

You, you, you, you, it’s you, it’s you, it’s you.

Me, me, in me, in me, in me, it’s me, it’s me.

Kendall Cruise is a junior English (creative writing) and adolescence education major at SUNY Geneseo. When not obsessively revising their latest piece of writing, she can be found constructing hyper-specific playlists or on The Sims. They are a section editor for their college’s newspaper, The Lamron, and have been previously published in Gandy Dancer and Iris Magazine.