I read your palms in my dreams. Your hands are soft. They rest in mine like a bird on a branch. Temporary. Ready to take off. The lines are deep. The heart line is straight. I think this means you don’t love me. I think this means that you never can.
I do not ask the time that you were born. I know you were born in February and that is mostly enough for me. The cold months make the most independent babies. I think it’s something to do with survival. Maybe Uranus and her radical change. Calves, shins, ankles. I think you’d laugh at me asking either way.
I wonder if you care what my palms look like. How the sky looked when I was born. If my hands are steady or shaky. I think this means I’m in love with you. I think this means I always will be.
I wake up to the sound of you shifting—moving farther into the distance.
Hannah Fuller is a graduate student at SUNY Brockport pursuing a career in school counseling. She has been published in Gandy Dancer, Third Wednesday, and Polemical Zine.