Kiel M. Gregory

This Is What I Know

a cento* for LD, who asked me to write this poem

I am the next, the one more, another who hasn’t heard you,

and all I can feel are your earnest eyes:

stubborn sun,

choosing to rise,

stopped seeing beneath the shadows.

I don’t know your past.

I can’t cross this ground.

I imagine myself inside your skin.

I saw what waits there.

O heavenly dark rendered in a woman’s body,

I am truth. I am evidence.

I can make it all visible:

between god’s legs there are no answers

hard and unbending,

and I can see why you’d hate

wounded poems.

When it’s over, I get into my car,

then you’re human again.

You too once knew what it was to feel impressive.

How different is that from lovemaking?


This cento is composed of text from the following poems:

Title: Christine Grimes, “The Heritage of Leon Clovis Grimes”

Lines 1-2, 6-7, 11-12, 15-16: Jan Beatty, “Letter to Mario”

Line 3-4: Kathleen Sheeder Bonanno, “A Poem About Light”

Line 5: Philip Levine, “On the River”

Line 8: Maria Mazziotti Gillan, “Piecework”

Line 9-10: Tracy Brimhall, “For the Glory”

Line 13: Jan Beatty, “The World between Jim Morrison’s Legs”

Line 14: Laura Donnelly, “Of Knowledge”

Line 17: Laura Boss, “For Months”

Line 18: Marie Howe, “The Mother”

Line 19: Justin Phillip Reed, “On Being a Grid One Might Go Off Of”

Line 20: Gregory Pardlow, “Alienation Effects”

Kiel M. Gregory teaches philosophy and world literature at Binghamton University where he is a PhD student in Comparative Literature. His nonfiction has been nominated for inclusion in Best American Essays and the Pushcart Prize. His creative writing and photography appear in Lips, Atticus Review, Hypertext Review, and other fine journals. Visit for more.