I’m Awake
First I sat in the dark
and wondered.
I touched all the wrong parts
and I just wondered.
Then I knelt
torso tilting up
oil on my hands
thinking images, images.
Finally I lay
hands closed and harnessed
engulfed in cold sheets
one eye on the door
I found it
And it was truly a cascade
it was indeed a rush
I did feel it in my toes.
In all my years writing
in all my years reading
in all my years living
this was the most poetic thing I’d done
And now
instead of praying before I sleep
I do this.
Renee Grasso is a sophomore at Binghamton University majoring in Finance. In her free time, she likes to read novels, rewatch Jane the Virgin, and attempt to run on the treadmill for more than ten minutes. She is from Queens, New York.