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Karin Lin-Greenberg Visits Geneseo

Posted by Sarah Diaz, GD Poetry Reader for 3.2 & former Poetry Editor for 3.1

Last week, the fiction writer Karin Lin-Greenberg visited campus to give a reading from her short story collection, talk with the senior creative writing majors, and spend some time with this semester’s managing editors of Gandy Dancer (Look for their interview with Karin in our next issue!). Karin is an assistant professor of English at Siena College and winner of the 2014 Flannery O’Connor Award for Short Fiction for her collection Faulty Predictions, available at the campus bookstore, University of Georgia Press and Amazon. Continue reading

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Interview with Michael Palmer of Iron Horse Literary Review

Posted by Andrew Nauffts, GD Art Editor for 3.2

Recently we had the pleasure of sitting down with Michael Palmer, one of the managing editors of Iron Horse Literary Review (IHLR). Our conversation ranged in topic from the magazine’s past, present, to the nature of lit mags, to Michael’s goals for Iron Horse. He was eager to talk about his role as managing editor and the world of literary magazines to our class of emerging writers and editors, and we learned a lot by speaking with him.

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On Becoming a “Real” Writer

Posted by Sarah Christ, Former GD contributor for 2.2 and 2.1, & editor for 3.1 

As a college student, to me getting published was this lofty and unreachable goal, something  that only real writers could do. After all, I was still in school learning to be a writer, who would want my work?  Then I heard that Gandy Dancer was looking for work from SUNY students. Continue reading

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Launch Party Preview of 3.1 Issue

Posted by Kelsey Hogan, GD Fiction Reader for 3.1

On Friday December 12, 2014, Gandy Dancer will be hosting our fourth bi-annual launch party in the Hunt Room of the MacVittie College Union. We use our launch party to bring writers, readers, and editors together to celebrate the release of the issue. If another edition of the SUNY-wide literary magazine isn’t enough to draw you, there will be food as well. Thanks to a $200 grant from CAS, refreshments such as coffee and other drinks, cheese (lots of it), and spinach and artichoke dip will be provided (also, cake!). Enjoy these munchies while we hear excerpts from featured pieces read by contributors such as Nate Pritts, professor and alumni of Brockport. Other readers include Christina Mortellaro, Ethan Keeley, Devin Stabley-Conde, Chrissy Montelli, Erin Koehler, Savannah Skinner, and Katie Bockino. Continue reading

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Teaser Trailer: Issue 3.1

Posted by Madeline Herrick, GD Poetry Editor for 3.1

After months of weeding and pruning, we are proud to introduce Gandy Dancer 3.1, the most exciting edition yet. I personally can’t wait to hold the final product in my hands, especially since we could not have created such an impressive magazine without the amazing contributions from students all across New York State.


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A Flash Fiction (re)Flection

Posted by Sara Shawe, GD reader for 3.1

Flash FictionNever before have I read anything that so thoroughly upended my expectations as when I read the flash fiction submissions for Gandy Dancer 3.1. The flash fiction pieces we are featuring in this edition of the journal are quite diverse from one another, in that they all come from different authors and they each cover entirely disparate subjects. In 2.2 we published three flash pieces—though all were by the same author—and in 2.1 the journal published its first and only flash fiction piece. I appreciate that this issue of Gandy Dancer has seen a growth in the number and variety of flash fiction submissions we received, allowing me and my fellow readers to compile a flash fiction section, which showcases three strong pieces by three strong authors. Continue reading

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Introducing Our Featured Artist: Denise Seidler

Posted by Laura Golden, GD Art Editor for 3.1

Gandy Dancer is proud to feature the work of Denise Seidler in 3.1. We will publish four of Denise’s photographs in our next issue. Denise is a student at SUNY Cortland, where she studies Art History and History. Here she answers some questions posed by Art Editor Laura Golden, and talks a bit about her inspirations, influences and future projects.


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A Journalistic Twist on Poetry

Posted by Leanora Karnath, GD reader for 3.1

A couple weeks ago, the Gandy Dancer staff gathered in our college’s ballroom to hear Erika Meitner read some of her poetry. As someone who prefers prose over poetry, I didn’t know what to expect, but I was pleasantly surprised to find myself entranced by Meitner’s work.

Erika Meitner, originally from Queens and Long Island, New York, received her M.F.A. in Creative Writing from University of Virginia in 2001. Currently, she teaches in the MFA Program as an Associate Professor of English at Virginia Tech. She has written four poetry collections. At the reading, she chose to share works from the collection Ideal Cities along with her newest one titled Copia. Continue reading

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Finding Our Aha Moment: A Look Inside Our Editors’ Minds

Posted by Courtney O’Gorman, GD reader for 3.1

After the submission deadline closed for Issue 3.1 on September 26, the Gandy Dancer staff has been hard at work, closely reading, re-reading and discussing in depth the submitted work.. At each meeting, the editorial groups for fiction, creative nonfiction, poetry, and art huddled, sharing notes, critiquing pieces, and inevitably making the tough decisions regarding which pieces will be published. “Vivid, challenging, insightful, and compelling.” Those descriptors provide a sense of what the Gandy Dancer 3.1 staff hopes to find in our submissions.  Continue reading

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Muddied Waters

Posted by Sarah Diaz, GD editor for 3.1

Muddy Waters old Menu

The town of Geneseo is pretty much what any flatlander imagines when thinking of a small college town in rural New York: a quaint Main street decorated with a fountain, a couple of bars, pizza joints, a book shop and music store, even a bike shop. It used to have the classic college coffee house, Muddy Waters, where one might sink into a worn couch and enjoy a latte and a book or catch up and laugh with good company. Muddy’s was filled to capacity during their weekly open mics and on gloomy Saturday afternoons. Different from the Starbucks in the College Union, it existed as a place for off- and on-campus students to collide. Muddy’s often played the college’s local radio station WGSU as background coffeehouse tunes. The ambiance provided a stress-free atmosphere in which to do schoolwork but also allowed people to mingle and chat without having to yell or show up at seven a.m. just to snag a table.

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