Category Archives: Uncategorized

What Is a Small Press Pub Fair Anyways?

Posted by Sarah Christ, Former GD contributor for 2.2 and 2.1, & editor for 3.1 

Gandy Dancer's table at the Pub Fair!

Gandy Dancer’s table at the Pub Fair!

Last weekend, Gandy Dancer had the honor of tabling at the second annual Visual Studies Workshop Pub Fair in Rochester, NY.   If you’ve never been to a Pub Fair, you’re probably wondering what it even is–I know I was before I went!  Basically, a Pub Fair is a conglomeration of artists, small and independent publishers, and photographers and printmakers who come together to showcase their work to the public.  As writers and artists, we know how difficult it is to find an audience for your work.  Small Press Fairs make it a little easier by pulling together a group of supportive people.

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The MFA Statement of Purpose is (Probably) Not Evil  

Posted by Lucia LoTempio, Managing Editor for 3.1

Applying to graduate school. I can’t even finish that sentence—it makes me want to vomit. Let me start over. I’m going through the application process now, so I thought I’d give some advice from the little I have learned so far about the different parts of the whole shebang, especially for the Statement of Purpose.

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Jason Zimmermann: An Interview

"I have a passion for anything a camera is capable of and wish to pursue a career where I can use it to my advantage. "

“I have a passion for anything a camera is capable of”

Posted by Lucia LoTempio, Managing Editor for 3.1

We were (and still are!) thrilled to have Jason’s photo “Star Trails Around Maytum Hall” feature as our cover for our spring 2014 Gandy Dancer. Jason is going to be a sophomore at SUNY Fredonia in the fall and is studying Video Production. Preceding a very important exchange of stickers via Facebook chat, Jason took the time to talk with me about his art for all of you Gandy fans. Continue reading

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Guest Blogger: Notes from a Dystel & Goderich Intern

Posted by Amy Elizabeth Bishop, former GD contributor for 2.1  & editor for 2.2 

A summer ago, I did not expect to be sitting in my sixth story NYC apartment, listening to taxi drivers stand on their horns and across-the-street café/bar noise float in my window. Nor did I expect to be interning at a literary agency twenty minutes away from my new home. Thanks to a year of planning, fretting, good counsel, networking like crazy, working on resumes, and hating cover letters with just about every fiber of my being, I’m writing this blog post in my apartment after a full day at Dystel & Goderich Literary Management.

If you’re thinking about applying for a publishing or literary agency internship, here are a few tips and tricks: Continue reading

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