Tag Archives: characters

Fearing the Unknown: Let Your Characters Guide the Way

Posted by RebeccaWilliamson, GD Fiction Editor for  8.1


Road at night

I could barely see a few feet in front of me. Maybe that’s an exaggeration, but the streetlights provided little light as my friend and I walked down Main Street. The chilly air wrapped around me like a blanket, and I shivered when the dark shadows moved to my left. I told my friend I was scared of the dark, but quickly retracted my statement. I wasn’t scared of the dark; I feared what could be lurking in it. I feared the unknown.

That’s how I felt that night walking down Main Street waiting for something to jump out at me. That’s how I feel when I’m lying in bed at night and I hear a loud bang and wonder if someone is in the house. Mostly, I’ve realized that’s how I feel about my writing.

How could a person fear their own writing? Continue reading

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Lifting the Fog: The Road to Conquering Roadblocks When Writing

Posted by Morgan Staub, Fiction Reader for Issue 4.1

Tick, tock. Tick, tock.

Sip of coffee, Twitter. Sip of coffee, Facebook. Sip of coffee, back to the blank document in front of you.

The blinking cursor is laughing at you.

Whats the matter, buddy? Cant bring yourself to make a statement?

It happens to us all. Nearly every time I sit down to write, writers block creeps up on me at least once. My head, which was just twisting with sentences and characters, excited to get my ideas down on paper, goes completely blank. Eventually it lifts, like a dense fog rolling through, and Im finally able to get started on my story.

An important thing to remember when afflicted with writers block or other writing detours is that, luckily, theyre not a disease without a cure. Depending on your goal, Ive found there are different paths I can take that will help lift the fog and get my creative train rolling. Continue reading

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