Sophia Turturro
- Mindfull (watercolor)
- Penoptics (watercolor)
Zach Buzzell
- Stretched Thin (steel and wood)
- Man in a Box (cement, steel, wood)
Erik Carrigan
- The Line Between (gouache on paper)
- Get In Line (gouache on paper)
Alyssa Cusimano
- How Do You Feel? (oil on canvas)
Harry Wyatt
- The Smoker (linocut print on paper)
- F**k War! (oil on canvas)
Kiel M. Gregory
- Cadillac Vines (digital photography)
Sophia Turturro is a sophomore at SUNY Geneseo. She is majoring in psychology in an attempt to better understand the abstract thought patterns that can be inferred from the nature of her slightly unsettling and mildly inaccessible art. Sophia is also proficient in MS paint and considers that to be her most marketable trait for absolutely no reason.
Zach Buzzell is a father, a learning artist, and a 100% disabled veteran who recently found the healing powers of art, sculpture specifically.
Erik Carrigan suffers from a rare disease known as Visual Snow Syndrome, which is an incurable disorder that gives his vision an active, static texture that leaves colors, shapes, and lighting difficult to distinguish. He was then diagnosed with vertigo. Further research proved that it all may be neurologically related. This motivated Carrigan to return to school and become a student to further explore art as a means of translating how his eyes perceive the shared world differently.
Alyssa Cusimano is a senior at SUNY Cortland. She is a BFA candidate with a concentration in painting. She uses her paintings to capture personal experiences with mental illnesses and living in this social climate.
Harry Wyatt is a senior at the Fashion Institute of Technology studying Fine Arts. His classmates have helped buoy up his spirits during the pandemic. He also enjoys the fine drinking water of New York City.
Kiel M. Gregory teaches poetry workshops for the Binghamton Poetry Project, serves as Guest Curator for Bartle Library, and works as an administrator for Binghamton University where he is an MA candidate. He is currently working on his thesis, a collection of poetry based around the themes of family, fatherhood, and loss. His prose and verse appear in Lips, Stone Canoe, Hypertext Magazine, and other fine journals. Visit for more.